Puppy Classes

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Puppy Head Start

Puppy Head Start is our unique 4 week lifestyle course. These puppy training classes are for puppies who are between 10 and 15 weeks of age on the starting date of the class. With puppy training classes your puppy develops a positive attitude toward learning and becomes a friendly adult dog. Each lesson lasts 1.5 hours and includes a question and answer period. Our family puppy training classes proceed in a friendly and supportive environment. Each step is clearly explained and easy to follow.

Your dog learns to:

  • Stop nipping or biting your family and friends
  • Sit, lie down and come using positive training methods
  • Ask to go outside to relieve itself – on command!
  • Stop chewing your things
  • Play games and learn fun tricks that are sure to impress
  • Not be possessive of its toys or food bowl
  • Be confident when being examined by vets, groomers and family members

Grade 1

Our obedience dog training class enables the dog owner to gain control over the family dog. It is for dogs who have attended the Puppy Head Start program or are just starting their obedience dog training. This 9 week course has a total class time of 14.5 hours. Most lessons last 1.5 hours and include a question and answer period.

Your dog learns to:

  • Come the first time every time, even when distracted – a potentially life-saving lesson!
  • Sit while greeting guests
  • Not jump up on people
  • Sit and stay even when distracted
  • Lie down and stay even with distractions
  • Walk on a leash happily without pulling you
  • Play and then settle down on command

Grade 2

Grade 2 dog training will continue to challenge your dog with all of the basic exercises and most importantly, will help you improve your dog’s ability to listen to you and your family members. Our experience tells us that your dog will progress faster when you take Grade 2 immediately after Grade 1. We have your dog in dog training mode, so let’s continue learning!


Your dog will enjoy:

  • Learning to listen to you without the use of a leash!
  • Learning to retrieve
  • Being challenged on walking on lead
  • Developing rock-solid sit and down stays
  • Continuing to build a bomb-proof recall

Grade 3

You and your dog have learned and mastered the basics in dog training. Now, put your puppy training and Grades 1 & 2 skills to the test in Grade 3! Dogs love this level of dog training where we will continue to challenge their listening skills when it comes to the basics like walking on lead, stays and coming when called. Grade 3 will offer you complete off-leash control regardless of the distractions. Our experience tells us that your dog will progress faster when you take Grade 3 immediately after Grade 2. Continue learning in Grade 3!

Your dog will enjoy:

  • Learning complete off-leash control, regardless of the distractions
  • Building more control into their retrieve
  • Developing more complex jumping skills
  • Learning sit and down stays with you out of sight
  • Building a response to sit and down commands from a distance
  • Learning simple hand signals
  • Learning a stand-stay
  • Perfecting the basics!

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